Sustainability Policy
Our Sustainability Policy consists of a set of commitments that guide our decisions, starting with the commitment to sustainable development, understood as the simultaneous search for economic prosperity, environmental responsibility and social equity.
Our vision is to create a universe of emotions and sensations capable of transporting us to a unique environment through our products.
Our mission is to provide our customers with the best product and the best experience. We work every day to guarantee quality products, compatible with sustainable development, which allow for the establishment of lasting relationships of trust.
Excellence is our ambition, that which we constantly strive for and for which are always raising the bar;
Integrity is the only way we know how to act, in any matter, at any stage of the process, with anyone, we accept nothing less than absolute integrity;
Trust. We work every day to earn it and we know that it is only possible if we take the two previous values very seriously.
MANULENA's Quality, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety and Social Responsibility Policy aims to provide a framework for the Sustainable Development of its activities. Compliance with legal, regulatory and other requirements agreed upon with any stakeholder is mandatory. MANULENA is committed to continuously improving its performance in these benchmarks, ensuring that it meets the needs and expectations of all stakeholders.
Based on the review of the requirements relating to products and services, the process indicators, the results of the audits and the effectiveness of the improvement actions introduced, evaluated through the System’s annual review, MANULENA will establish the objectives and corresponding management plan that will ensure a continuous improvement of the integrated management system’s effectiveness.
MANULENA understands that its Vision, Mission and Values, which are known and shared by all its employees, are the benchmark for its positioning and action towards its customers, shareholders, surrounding communities and other stakeholders.
To reliably and systematically guarantee the required level of Quality of the products, services and solutions, in order to satisfy the expectations of its Customers and other stakeholders, through the organisation of its processes and the technical capability of its Employees.
To reliably and systematically guarantee the implementation of good environmental practices which ensure the prevention and control of the environmental impacts of its activity, the guarantee of pollution prevention and the responsible use of resources.
MANULENA considers Health and Safety to be fundamental values that must be integrated into all its activities.
All employees are trained to carry out their work in the safest manner. Each person is responsible for adopting safe behaviour and applying it in all activities, turning Safety into a way of being.
Our commitment to health and safety is based on the following principles:
To ensure a safe and healthy working environment through the elimination or minimisation of risks that may result from the normal course of its activity;
We promote training actions on ergonomics in the workplace, as well as informative leaflets, in order to promote the health and well-being of our employees;
The company conducts its activity with the objective of "zero accidents” at all times;
Management of incidents and accidents. Investigation and analysis of incidents - accidents and near misses - in a systematic manner and drawing lessons to prevent their recurrence and to foster continuous improvement in the prevention of workplace accidents;
Personal protective equipment is distributed to all employees, according to the needs of the functions they perform;
To promote training for employees on the equipment they handle so that they do so safely;
Within the scope of Occupational Health and Safety, assessments are carried out at MANULENA's facilities, where fire safety is verified.
At MANULENA we are committed to contributing to prevention and the promotion of all our employees’ health. We want to be more than just suppliers of relaxing atmospheres, which light up the surrounding environment and warm the soul, as well as wellness products. We want to have a socially relevant role in the construction of a healthier society, more caring and concerned, more equitable as a whole.
MANULENA is committed to achieving a balance between its commercial and value creation objectives and respect for the individual (Customers, Employees, Suppliers and Partners),with the aim of being recognised internally by its own people, as well as externally and in the market as a company.
On a day-to-day basis, we foster contribution to the community in which we operate, mindful of the future of current and future generations, supporting social, educational, cultural and environmental initiatives, promoted internally or in partnership with external entities.
Our commitment is based on the following principles:
We promote values, culture and a sustainable management model;
We respect and support internationally recognised human rights;
We foster the promotion of justice and ethics based on respect for individuals and their rights;
We provide working conditions that respect human rights and comply with applicable national and European labour legislation;
We abide by the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, namely we repudiate child and youth labour;
We honour the provisions of conventions 29 and 105 on forced labour;
We encourage the reporting of all types of harassment, namely: Moral Harassment, Sexual Harassment; in compliance with Portuguese law no. 73/2017;
We honour the provisions of conventions 87 and 98 on freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining;
We demand trust and rigour in business relationships, with public presentation of accounts, and repudiate any corrupt practices;
We foster equal rights and opportunities, non-discrimination and freedom of choice and association;
We promote work opportunities and personal and professional development based on fair wages and benefits;
We honour the provisions of ILO Convention 100 concerning the principle of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value;
We encourage the professional qualification and training of our employees, to enable them to acquire skills and knowledge;
We promote the maintenance of safe and healthy workplaces;
We advocate a fairer society with greater solidarity;
We foster and contribute to the preservation of and respect for the Environment;
We advocate respect for the potential, traits, limitations and difficulties of each member of the team, treating everyone with equity, respect and dignity.
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